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Premium Goldfish Food for Small to Large Fish Tanks FREE Delivery


Our brand of N KOI Premium Goldfish Food was specially developed in the EU, and no other brand can cram as many ingredients into one tub as we can.

Our brand of N KOI Premium Goldfish Food was specially developed in the EU, and no other brand can cram as many essential ingredients into one tub as we can.

Create some excitement in your fish’s home with this Premium Goldfish Food. They melt slowly into the tank’s water, making them easy to digest and play tub of war with.

1 Added Vitamins A & E

2 Antioxidants to inhabit Oxidation

3 Promotes good gut health

4 Giving a good long lifespan

5 Enhances colour

6 Easy digestion, less fish waste

7 Specially made for the goldfish we sell

8 Natural ingredients

9 Ideal for all coldwater fish

10 Promotes healthy & happy Fish


As much as your fish can eat in 5 minutes Please remove un-eaten food

The tubs will be sent by Royal Mail and tracked straight to your door


Weight 0.367 kg